What is Thantra?
Tantra is the science of Liberation. By contemplation, wise people can recognize the soul by just transcending the material planes (earth, water, fire, air and sky). The middle people do pujas for recognizing the self . Flower, water, fire smoke and the sound of Bell represented by the five elements and by offering all the 5 elements which are the 5 coverings of the soul,
The soul is not bound by the matter. Soul is the seer and the material creations are the scenes. The soul is matter independent. Recognition of the self is attained towards the end of the Pooja.
Who is Tantri?
Tantri is the master of Tantra. He after rigorous training and sincere practice, impeccably performs the rites and rituals as laid down by the Acharyas. While the main rituals of a Temple like the Pradishta (consecration) Punapradishta, Utsavam, Kalasam etc are often performed by the Thanri himself, he only superwises the day to day Pujas done by Melsanthi.
What are his primary duties?
To superwise the Poojas and the rituals of the Temple and to give orientation regarding the doctrines behind the rituals of the Temple and their relevance in leading the devotees towards their enlightenment
Thantri has the position of the father of the deity of the Temple because the Tantri invokes the deity and imparts bioplasmic energy (prana) to the deity and reinforces by routine rituals of the temple.
How does Tantri differ from Melsanthi?
Tantris position is permanent and inherited. Melsanthi is a temporary performer of the Temple Rituals and changed by election from time to time.Thantri supervises all the duties of the Melsanthi.
Guruvayoor Temple is a very old Maha Temple where the rituals are prescribed by great Saints. Two types of rituals are there. Intrinsic and Extrinsic. The intrinsic rituals are of eternal value beyond the barrier of time and space. The extrinsic rituals can be changed according to the time and space. The intrinsic aspects are the lights, fragrance, different sounds, poojas etc which cause the introverted minds of the devotes for enlightenment and also to transfer the subtle experience the yogis had.